Monday, August 24, 2015

homelearning week 6

Read every night for 20 minutes
Parent signature
Book Read and number of pages

Spelling Homelearning
Parent signature
Spelling Words

Maths- basic facts every night, practise, practise, practise makes perfect
A capital letter is used for a persons name, letters of names, days of the week, months of the year, special times, towns cities, countries and streets.  Circle or highlight the words that should have a capital letter.

horse, christmas, sunday, megan, day, bucket, pen, easter, december, table, elephant, john, pizza, think, dark, rain
A verb  is an action word.  Add a word from the list to make the sentence make sense
Brushed, jumped, washed, ate, watch, went, said, put
.1. After he ___ his dinner, Billy went to the bathroom and ______ his hands.  He then _____ on his pyjamas and _______ into the lounge to _______ television.  When it was eight o’clock, he ______ goodnight to his mother and _______ into bed. 
Days of the week are proper nouns and need a capital letter.  Fill in the gaps with the correct day of the week
1.      The second day of the week is_______
2.    The fourth day of the week is________
3.    The two days that make up the weekend are__________and _________.
4.    The day after Wednesday is

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